Recette: Savoureux Pataniscas

Pataniscas. Pataniscas (Salt Cod Fish Fritters) is a delicious typical Portuguese petisco made from a mixture of cod with a dough that contains flour, egg, chopped parsley, onions, and salt. It can be served as a starter or as a main course (usually with a side dish of brown bean rice or tomato rice). Order: The parsley-flecked pataniscas de bacalhau arrived unceremoniously on our table at room temperature—but they tasted wonderful, a little sweet, a little salty, fresh and comforting.

Pataniscas Veja como cozinhar Pataniscas de bacalhau de forma fácil e apetitosa!» Pataniscas are a typical, soul food dish from the Estremadura region of Portugal, which is the coastal area of the greater Lisbon, Leiria, and Setúbal districts. They’re a great way to use leftover pieces of cod to make something completely new so you don’t get bored of the same old style of cooking if you have leftovers. The Pataniscas, consist of pieces of shredded “Bacalhau” (Codfish) previously coated in a wheat flour batter, and a mix of other ingredients as onion, seasoned with salt, pepper and parsley, etc., and then fried in vegetable or oilve oil. Vous pouvez cuisiner Pataniscas en utilisant des ingrédients 7 et des étapes 3. Voici comment vous cuisinez cela.

Ingrédients de Pataniscas

  1. Vous avez besoin 500 gr de morue.
  2. Préparez 4 de œufs.
  3. Préparez de persil.
  4. Préparez 1 de oignon.
  5. Vous avez besoin 50 gr de farine.
  6. Vous avez besoin de poivre.
  7. Vous avez besoin de huile pour frire.

They can be served with a salad as light meal or be eaten as a “petisco” (appetizer) or my favorite with “Arroz de Feijão Vermelho” (Red Beans. Pataniscas de Bacalhau are delicious cod fish fritters. This is another version of deep fried bacalhau in Portugal. The codfish fritters are made with eggs, flour, Portuguese codfish, eggs, parsley and onion and mixed together.

Pataniscas étape par étape

  1. Dessaler la morue.. et la cuire 10 minutes au cookeo.
  2. Mélanger la morue les œufs persil oignon la farine le poivre.
  3. Et frire des petites omelettes.

After being lightly deep fried they are served hot as an appetizer or as a main dish with rice. Para quem gosta de bacalhau vai adorar preparar umas pataniscas de bacalhau. Simples de preparar e delicioso, mais uma receita tradicional que pela sua simplicidade excede todas as expectativas. Heat the oil in a skillet. When the oil is hot, remove small portions of the mixture with a spoon and fry them on both sides until golden (while frying, flatten slightly with a fork the pataniscas to remove the liquid that remains inside).